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Home Model 10 Tips to get a model body

10 Tips to get a model body

Having a toned body with well-defined features forms a crucial, indispensable part of your preparation as you look to delve into the world of modelling. We have assembled 10 tips for you to make this experience more rewarding, efficient and enjoyable at the same time.

Tip 1: Follow a workout regimen to get your shoulder-to-waist ratio close to the golden ratio. Usually, the golden ratio is said to be 1.6 for males and 1.4 for females. A ratio of 1.6 implies that 1.6 times bigger than the waist circumference. Of course, dwelling too much on achieving the ‘ideal body’ can lead to a slew of insecurities plaguing you, and you might never feel good about yourself. So, don’t push too hard to achieve this, but it would be better if you try to hit the golden ratio.

Tip 2: Consume protein with every meal: It’s common knowledge that protein consumption aids in building muscles, but what most aspiring models are oblivious to is the fact that regular consumption of protein also contributes to fat loss in a significant manner. So, it’s exigent for you to ensure protein intake with every meal. By spreading your protein consumption over all three meals, you can significantly improve your chances of losing that excess fat, according to a study by the American Journal Of Clinal Nutrition. After perusing 24 studies on protein intake, the researchers inferred that those people who had protein-rich food throughout the day saw greater shedding of fat while also preserving the precious lean mass.

Tip 3: Sleep around 8 hours per night. By just resting, you can obviate the need to work out harder in many cases, because sleep takes care of the reparation and reinforcement of your muscles. Lack of sleep can make you temperamental and might lead to hunger and cravings. Cravings might lead you on the dreaded path of snacking, which will render all your consistent hard work ineffective. Skipping sleep can also impact your willpower and discipline, which will, in turn, make you skip workouts and cheat on your diet.

Tip 4: Don’t focus only on cardio. While cardio might seem enticing and alluring at first glance due to its relatively lower intensity, it can also be a mirage of short-term happiness blinding you from reality. Intersperse weights session with cardio sessions and not the other way round. In fact, if you are already trim without too much fat to shed, you could consider skipping cardio sessions completely and focus just on weights or limit them to just a few short, high-intensity schedules per week.

Tip 5: Upper back training shouldn’t take a backseat. For any enthusiastic model, it is mandatory to have a well defined, trim waist. Training your upper back will enrich the appearance of your waist and will help you achieve the aforementioned looks, making you popular among models. So, make it a point to not neglect upper back training.

Tip 6: Use carbohydrates to your advantage. This nutrient is looked upon pejoratively by fitness enthusiasts because of its weight-adding tendencies. While it is indeed valid to an extent, one must not completely exterminate carbohydrates out of one’s diet. In fact, carbohydrates can boost your energy levels, enhance your metabolic rates and can even speed up your fat loss results.

Tip 7: Drink enough water! Compromising on your hydration is one of the common mistakes that beginners make when they start off with their fitness regime. Don’t be guilty of making that same mistake which could preclude any sort of progress that you wish to make. Drink copious amounts of water every day. But be prudent about what kind of fluid you are ingesting. It might be tempting to drink the calorie-heavy smoothies, fruit drinks, gourmet coffee and energy drinks but exercise self-control whenever such temptations rear their ugly heads. Alcohol is among the worst choice of beverage you could take and will are potent regressors. Apart from their toxic effects on your liver, alcohol also stifles your progress by hit the pause button one your fat-loss program. Therefore, alcoholic beverages must be avoided at all costs. Stick to water and herbal tea and try having black coffee in moderation. The caffeine content could make you feel more energized and upbeat. But refrain from taking it too close too bedtime as the mental stimulations could delay your sleep.

Tip 8: Reward yourself regularly. Schedule some time for yourself and focus on relaxing and rejuvenating yourself during this period. Don’t brood over your performance during the training sessions and instead watch some movies, read books or go for a short stroll in your backyard. Every time, you achieve a minor goal, pat yourself on your back and indulge in some entertainment. Make sure not to reward yourself with anything that could be counter-productive to your fitness regime though!

Tip 9: If you are financially comfortable, hire a trainer. Many beginners make the mistake of relying on youtube videos and online websites for information about regime curation. While it could be a time and money-saving hack for aspirants who aren’t too serious about modelling or for the tyros that are looking for only novice-level exercises, it’s risky and pointless in the long-term scheme of things. As you progress, you will be doing more strenuous and back-breaking workouts that involve lifting heavier weights, running longer distances, and spending more time on that treadmill. You expose yourself to sundry injuries when you try such physically and mentally demanding exercises. Hence, it is recommended to hire a trainer if you are very serious about making it big in the modelling industry. You might be required to shell a considerable amount of money upfront as a down payment, but this investment will pay dividends later.

Tip 10: Know that you are much more than just your body. Your beauty is not only your skin, your muscles, your hairstyle and your complexion. It is much more. Real beauty lies in the state of your mind and not in outward appearance. So, don’t be self-deprecating with yourself and have a positive outlook on life.


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